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Georgia is.......
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happynever gives upcool dude georgiaawesome harveywill miss heri will miss her!!!!!helpfulwill miss her.georgiabeautifulactivegeorgia rocks,nicefast runneri will missgood friend to playamazing girlkindfun. caitlinneat writervery helpfullfriendlygreat friendentertaininghgfrguyghyiguiorgefsnice girl siena.nice thinngs to saybutfolegood at mathsnice girlcoolamazing awesome koolgreat readerbeautiful georgiaf((always smilesversitile playervery coolits freaking snowinglaughsquick thinkernice .caitlin.lovelyalways caringnice.caitlin.sense of humourgood friendpretty girlcaring
