flexible:10 innovative:8 collaborative:6 relevant:5 personalized:5 risk takers:4 growth mindset:4 learning spaces:4 collaboration:3 creative:3 trust:3 purposeful:3 critical thinking:3 student driven:3 not afraid of change:2 open:2 culture:2 connected:2 communication:2 problem solving:2 culture of learning:2 brave:2 responsive:2 access:2 accessible:2 communicative:2 creativity:2 technology mustsuppo:2 sustainable:2 4cs:2 blended:1 green:1 trendy:1 failfests:1 culture of yes:1 future focus:1 4 c's:1 pbl:1 george couros:1 mentorship:1 mobile:1 engagement:1 risk taking:1 advocacy:1 project based:1 mindset:1 grounded in pedagogy:1 project based learni:1 collaboartive spaces:1 not a prison:1 standards based:1 evolving:1 intentionality:1 enriching:1 closes economic gaps:1 ready to explore:1 exciting technology:1 flexible and respons:1 caring:1 student-driven:1 inclusive:1 problem-solvers:1 vibrant:1 open source:1 samr:1 student guided learn:1 reliable infrustruct:1 safe:1 safe to fail:1 organized chaos:1 adaptable:1 embrace change:1 fun:1 skill focused:1 what if:1 discoverylearning:1 free wifi:1 freedom to fail:1 infrastructure:1 essential:1 mentorships:1 evoloving:1 resources:1 environment:1 student agency:1 flexible spaces:1 flexible and accessi:1 sharing:1 partnership:1 teacher commitment:1 online textbooks:1 student voice:1 focused on learning:1 robust infrastruct.:1 4 cs:1 access / opportunity:1 collaboration!:1 differentiated:1 borderless and equal:1 community:1 shared leadership:1 student input:1 inquiry:1 climate/culture:1 student centered:1 nimble:1 pd:1 willing to change:1 staff mindset:1 mindset change:1 growth mindsets:1 connections:1 fewer silos.:1 focus on individuals:1 partnerships:1 risk taker:1 adaptive:1 environmental:1 high level thinking:1 collborative:1 safety and trust:1 flexible space:1 learning together:1 creative and meaning:1 deliberate:1 infrastruture:1 opportunity:1 student choice:1 never content:1 create new knowledge:1 change mindset:1 21-century-learning:1 progressive:1 individualized:1
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