preach,truth,creativity is key,true,insightful,falling forward,creativity,higher level thinkin,access to voice,powerful learning,freedom of choice,mindset,lack of tech,21st century student,listen 2 > listen 4,yes,weak wifi,amen,thought provoking,no tech,continue to dream,ed kills creativity,the struggle is real,takes training,education kills crea,amen!,truth change needed,change is scary, but,interesting,makes sense,tech grit is real,struggle is good,effective?,time for a change,changing mindset,voices for everyone,control of learning,yes! true,too safe,accurate,a real problem,love it,holy cow!,safe environment,thumbs up,takes time and trust,failing is okay,learning,teachers fear change,access is the main p,irony,failure is okay,who's thinking?,from failing we lear,very true,amazing!,these are true!,absolutely!,digital learners,profound!,