good friday,jesus died,eat pancakes,fasting,lent goes for 40 days,feast,jesus was resurrected,shrove tuesday,don’t eat meat,jesus got put in a tomb,no meat friday?,celebrate the death of jesus,last supper,easter eggs,40 days,jesus died on the cross,give up something for 40 days,you eat chocolate,fasting friday,eat chocolate,it’s a feast,jesus and god,fast,chocolate,died on the cross,died in the cross,mary and mary hear the good news,chrove tuesday,jesus died 2 days before easter,jesus goes on a jerky,died,starve your self ?,jesus came to life,jesus was a baby and then he was on cros,no yummy foods,no meat friday,eating easter eggs,a feast,don’t eat meat friday,40 days to jesus’s death,time to celebrate with family and friend,jesus rose three days later,chove tuesday,rised up to heaven,angels,have a feast????,jesus died 3 days after easter,lent,jesus learnt abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,take away one really nice things,lent is when you do alms giving,rose up to heaven,everything because yr 5/6b are so cool,3 days in the tomb,everyone remembered jesus,jesus was born in a staple,go to church,40 days of trying to not eat one thing,the last super,mass at church,jesus carried the cross,three days after his death,comemerating his death and resurrection,jesus rised and then died,purple,you can’t go to a reastruant,math ?,where jesus rised for the die,perpal,jesus died on easter.,people are yum,y,no fish and luxurious meals,jersey is a good game,jesus died and put in a rock place,easter is the day jesus came to life res,jesus rised from the died three days aft,lent is when you do arms giving,when it’s over they have big feast,celebrating the death of jesus,it’s a feast ?,celebrate,jesus,give up something,have a big feast,easter is the day jesus resurrected,lent is the time of jesus birth,you can’t use a particular thing,lent is about fasting,pancake tuesday,eat chocolate on the or have feast,lent is jesus’s time to prepare death.,everyone was so happy and excited about,rised three days after his death,came back from the dead,time to celebrate the resurrection,pancakes on ash wednesday,jesus’s resurrection,remember jesus,on easter jesus rises from his death,jesus was on the cross,eating sea food,jesus had bread andwine,no meat friday ?,jesus rised then died,the day of jesuses death,when jesus gives up things,don’t eat red meet,jesus resurrected,eating fish,gucci,give up luxurious meals,the day of when jesus resurrected,no meat,jesus rose from dead,you don’t eat any meat ect-,do nor something/say something for,