medieval moral and social code,busdownthotianna,dead,warrior,always being kind,knights, moral , noblemen,gentlemen,code of respect, honor, and morals,hows knights are supposed to act.,g,honnor,knight code,respect for people,a knight code of conduct,respecting others in multitude of ways,code involving good morals and manners,knights code of conduct,a code of conduct for proper behavior,due respect to others,medieval moral or social code,a set of rules for knights to live by,a code of virtues, vows and honor,manners,proper morals and ideal morals,kind gestures and respectful behaviors,general guidelines created to live by.,always beingg kind,alive,lways being kind,an eye for aye,proper etiquette and ideal morals,fancy word for manners,knight,always being code,a code on how to be respectful,men riding horses during civil war,its being kind and respectful to all,showing loyal and positive life habits,code of behavior,good,revolves around honesty and loyalty,opening the door for people,a code of honor from medieval times.,vows/ commandments of medieval time,medieval knightly system w/ social code,the act of respect and loyalty,idealism,the medieval knightly system,chivalry is a midieval moral social code,the vows and virtues knights swore to,code of ethics to follow,morals,chivalry is almost like a social code,