.,h,bed time,fortnite,drugs,video games,they took the wlan-cable away.,bad grade,minecraft,to much fortnite,hello,bes time,her boyfriend,she has her days,g,smoked cigarette,smoke weed,subscribe to pewdipie,no w-lan cable in her room,helo,smoked,helllo,smoking,kein obst im haus,j,e,f,d,hi,3. 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028,jkuilöäkjhgfds,she sub. to t-series,3.14159265358979323,she want to play unreal turnament,1234567890987654321,she wants to get a kiddy,turned the new car into a scrap heap.,they made her handy to schrott,too much youtube/pewdiepie,she wants to goo with her girls late,i don´t know,bad grades,not enough learning,her mother has a new boyfriend,she aren´t allowed to do something,to much youtube,clean up the room,viedeo games,grades,she got pregnant,party,she doesn´t want to go to bed at 7 pm,playing with the girlfriend,she has a bad grade,bedtime,stole something,bad grade h,her friend is a smuggler of drungs,not much pocket money,gaming time,she lost her phone and want a new one,she isn`t allowed to do something,drunk alk,have to learn for school,wlan,she wants to go out with her girls late,poket money,games,