rude/demanding patrons,patrons who threaten to beat ushers up,patrons who do not have theatreetiquette,patrons not respecting house rules,uneducated and uncultured patrons,uncooperative patrons,no mood to be on duty,patrons who are late, demands to go in.,annoying children,rulebreaker,patrons that dont abide by the rules,miscommunication among the foh team,eating,ignorant patrons,talking on the phone while in show,acting blur,not listening,guys intimidating female ushers,patrons who chope seats,explaining to patrons their mistake,patrons with weird requests,unique patrons w unique needs,rude patrons,unreasonable and rude patrons,unruly patrons,unwell (coughing) patrons,impatient patrons,abusive language & vulgarities,inconsiderate patrons,unreasonable patrons that films the show,aggressive patrons,difficult patrons,bullying,inconsiderate behaviour,rowdy and demanding patrons,have you seen my girlfriend? aytf,