they fukin',on phone,no eye contact,on her phone,short responses,turning away,short answers,looking at her phone,on the phone,covering herself,free 21,focused on her phone,lack of eye contact,avoids eye contact,places things between them,checking phone,ouch,denies offer,looking away,turns away,scooting away,playing hard to get(;,she l'd him,turned the chair away from him,legs are facing the other way,oh her phone,covering herself more,slouching,putting objects in between you and him,body language,on phone the whole time,on her phone not talking much,avoiding,facing away,mega bitch face,lack of talking,on her phone, has her back 2 him, & purs,keeping her phone in her god damn face,covers body,look away, turning away, covering up.,little eye contact,turned her body the other way,lack of eye contact & turned away,being on her phone,covered up,looking at her phone & short answers,non eye contact,low amount of eye contact,shifting away from him,turning body away,covers boobs,doesn’t look at him long,little eye contact when speaking,playing on the phone,focused on phone,not looking at him,not giving full answers,checking her phone,being on phone,moving feet,on phone, no eye contact, eye rolls,,keeps looking at phone, nervous tick,covered boobs,keeps getting on her phone,covers her ta tas,avoiding eye contact,yikes,on her phone, short responses,minimal eye contact, short answers,,covers cleavage,curt responses,short,eye contact,not interested,moving chair,