it stopped trade outside america,farmers couldn't sell their goods,increased unemployment,it had lowered export earnings.,farmers couldn’t sell their goods,less money was made, the economy was bad,it increased unemployment,stopped trade,the embargo act banned all trade,it caused standard of living to go down.,people made more things instead of trade,no one could trade,no trading made people lose their jobs.,it caused a decrease in money & exports,less money on exports so people lost job,people could not make as much money,there were less exports,mercantilism was banne,it made it worse,trade came to a screeching halt.,it caused us exports to drop in number,couldn't trade with foreign countries,it restricted trade with other countries,it decreased exports,it had lowered earnings,it caused exports to drop in numbers,it had stopped trade outside america,money the u.s. had decreased,economy got hard,exports decreased,