i think there is a need for a framework.,local artists are not being paid fairly,be transparent about government funding,sg shld give more support to local arts,conservatives should get educated,govfunding constricts the freedom of art,arts should get the credit they deserve,government intervention limits potential,art is a whole different domain-make do,arts = possible income for country,censorship affects artists' creativity,artists should find small ponds,art creativity vs censorship,people should appreciate arts more :)),pay artists fairly for their craft,we need more support for the arts! :),original idea are not taken seriously,low payment/recognition for orig ideas,the same way art is being held,arts should be recognised,arts should be funded.,the arts funds need to be increased,there are lots of talent in sg,is it because i chinese?????,is it because i chinese?,arts should be understood by all.,the government do not support the arts,money comes with strings attached,arts aren't getting enough recognition.,people never appreaciate enough for art,government should support the arts!,