lack of funding for artists,lack of appreciation on the creativity,need to work extra to earn income,not alot of job prospects for artists,funding with condition is important,no discrimination against artists,art censorship limits creativity,criteria must not affect the politics,funding comes with condition,fundingwithconditions affect performance,artists in sgnot supported enough by gov,censorship is still not being accepted,artistic criteria is the key for funding,government should not stop creativity,taxpayer money on subjective interests,we are underpaying performing artist,tax money should not go to funding arts,arts don't last as a stable career,appreciate the craft of artist,make sacrifices to master your passion,people dont dare to take the risk,no recognition for artists in singapore,older artist should not feel outcast,mastering arts might not be worth it,it's hard to find true worth of an art,people are more willing to spend on arts,younger artist encourage to think ahead,when can arts be a professional career?,arts can prove to make a living,dances are being paid jackshyt,