north they had more resource for battle,north b/c they had the weapons to fight,north bc they had more resorces,north b/c they had more supplies to live,North because they had more supplies.,North more industry- RILEY ANSWER :),The north because owned 90 percent guns,North because they had larger population,South,i mean north won so,North bc they were prepared,North because they prepared a,North because they have a lot of item,North,the north because more ready.,North, b/c they had control of the navy.,The north because they had population.,yes,north,North because they had more weapons,South because they were more prepared,TheNorth because theyfought intheir turf,South had more training in fighting,South had more trained in fighting,South cause they are experienced,north and south are prepared i do both,north because they won the last battle,south had soldiers that were trained,N-was much better just not in experience,South had bigger army,northhadmoresmarts,North because it was an older goverment,north because they had more resoures,south they got meneyzzz,North b/c they had a bigger population,north because they have better items,who was better prepared for the civil wa,