demonstrate real world skills,demonstrate learning in unique ways,demonstrate their learning,think deeply to learn and develop skills,create based on their interests.,demonstrate hidden skills and knowledge.,express their thoughts meaningfully,have fun,have meaningful learning experiences,use choice to demonstrate knowledge!,find their passion!,apply their knowledge to the real world,demonstrate hidden skills and knowledge,allow students to be creative,show knowledge in a new way,show mastery of skills and content,be creative and take ownership of work,learn,do their own thing....,show what they have truly learned,gain equitable access to learning.,show what they can do!,demonstrate learning,grow,explore their own learning,show what students have leaned.,show what they know,show their understanding of a concept.,show what they know and can do,show what they know.,show their understanding,use their creativity & imagination!!,have choice in how they show knowledge,demonstrate mastery their own way,