write what you know,leave gaps,manipulate energy,avoid the general,subtext,radiate energy,focus on energy,energy is key,positive energy,mood is crucial,slow your pace,interesting topics>,static is borin,leave details,make ur writing move,build up the pace,don't explain,practice your peace,be energetic,focus on the subject,subjects,leaps,what's fascinating,the power of gaps,use what you know,specificity,moods=outcome,gaps are power,capture the reader,principles of energy,interesting topics,words that pop,pace,point of view,objective,focus energy,highlight energy,mood is energy,subjects,leaps,words,practicewritinenergy,increase the pace,energy needs control,energy needs focus,show the image,urlifeisastory,mind's eye,vary the pace,pov is camera angle,energyisaboutcontrol,modulate energy,knowledge helps,energize,make energy 4 reader,make it interesting,readers want to play,readers want to know,notice energy,energy,subject choice,firsthand knowledge,packing energy,engage w/power subs.,make topics live,focus on charming,cliffhangers=energy,give it life,be interesting,be original,utilize imagery,make them guess,no time to explain,be crazy,words become art,sizzle with energy,leaps create energy,increase pace=energy,move camera around,change up the pace,include gaps & leaps,don't overexplain,variety of energy,match energy to mood,point of view choice,verbs are the pulse,strong verbs,words are important,bust word packagesup,avoid the thesaurus,pace variation,increase energy,passionate subjects,leaps bring energy,words need to sizzle,specific details,let reader use brain,drawn conclusions,subjects/leaps/words,