overwrite the image,opposite of thought,work with your eyes,specific words,image viewing,write what you see,create an image,trigger words,focus on the picture,overwrite images,differences,believe in your work,setting is key,crwr=images,movements important,imagine the image,mental picture,brainstorm,dont think-write,write to trigger,read slowly,show instead of tell,don't think,create a live image,create with images,cw is about seeing,sense vs asking,target senses,metal picture,specifics,reading=see images,against comfort zone,cw is seeing,smooth transitions,intentional writing,compelling action,show don't tell,3d mental pictures,activate five senses,see images as read,when and where,specify,mind's eye,people and action,info. w/ summary,images: key moments,cw is experiencing,generate images,think from w/ images,cw is a art,use specific words,summary images,see, not think,transport the reader,the five senses,we see differently,specific and simple,focus,cw relies on images,change your angles,one action at a time,pay attntn to feelin,1 sentence, 1 action,move around in image,use specifies,think from images,focus on people,generating images,images are active,simple is okay,experiencedontthink,writewhtuseenotthink,thinking mind,seeing mind,experiencing mind,vivid moving picture,image sequence,intensify images,dont pretend, be,activate 5 senses,cw is written movies,work w/ your eyes,write what u see,make ur writing move,don't overwrite,focus on action,be specific,make it move,draw a mental pic,create moving pic,knowing vs seeing,setting->key2image,different is okay,move in image,1 sentence 1 action,think from within,take them somewhere,take people somewher,dont focus on thougt,anchor the image,movement >>,vivid moving,sliding>,entertain the reader,make it real,feel your work,dont overthink,use thoughts,slide between images,