cultural norms,asians are smart,stereotypes,black people eat watermelon and kfc,guys are not allowed to cry,boys are stronger than girls,adults shoudn't be childish,no female taxi drivers,all indians are taxi drivers,men should pay for the bills,girls are physically stronger than girls,culture gender expectation,indians eat curry for breakfast,white people don't have culture,another answer here...,all cops are bad,aamir is gay,muslims be bombing everything and shi,christian priests like lil boys,girls cant have mustache,blue is boy,westerners are strong and tall,bernardine wants to kiss aamir,girls are stronger than guys,thank,pakistani and indians are different!,girls like boys,pray 5 times a day,culture ]expectation,girls cant fight,you look asian,all indians are 7 11 workers,stereotypes,cultural and gender expectat,boo,apple,men are stronger than women,aamir wants six kids,asians = korea, china and japan,boys cant be vulnerable,muslims marry like 20 wives,black people are good at running,bernardine,bro what is a cootie,aamir is famous,white people are gluten free and lactose,loctose intolrent,indian food is really good no cap,is it legal to marry 4 wives,little dark age,i need to lose weight,men,men stereotypes,,all black people grow up in the hood,all asians eat dogs,indians always eat spicy food,girls are bad drivers,boys can be fight,indian always arrange their marriage,boys cant be weak,black people are always in gangs,mexicans are always in drug cartels,mexicans always wear sombreros,white people are,white people are not disciplined,chinese people eat cats and dogs,all chinese people know kung fu,men should make the first move,white people can't cook,white people cant eat spicy stuff, 79,boys cant watch cinderella,girls - pink || boys - blue,people with glasses are nerds,asians are smart indians eat curry.,girls can’t play rugby,all people in families should stay in 1,boys aren’t meant to cry,boys can’t use makeup,girls are not good at sports,all asians are smart,boys shouldn't cry,asians all know martial arts,orange haired people have short tempers,“you fight like a girl”,asians can't drive,someone rich = selfish and snobby,girls can't beat boys,asian’s can’t drive,girls have to know how to cook,girls must become doctors,girls are weak,a set of rules made by society,italians love pizza and pasta,girls like guys, guys like girls,girls and boys have to play set sports,all indians eat curry,guys shouldn't cry,“ run like a girl “” fight like a girl “,girls are supposed to be skinny,boys just play sports,asians can’t drive,all indians work in 7/11,asian's cant drive,muslims are terroist,gamers are unemployed,adults have to be mature,indian’s are rich,boys have more power than girls,arranged marriage,girls can’t do sports,muslims are terrorists,girls can’t play with cars,all muslims are terrorist,greeks are short fat and hairy,cars for boys, dolls for girls,girls have to take care of the kids,girls have cooties,girls should wear makeup to look pretty,asians eat cats and dogs,people that wear glasses are nerds,boy’s can’t play with dolls,pink for girls,girls can't fight,blue for boys,girls can’t play with car,boys need to look buff and strong,boys can’t play with dolls,boys can’t hit girls , girls can hit boy,you are only expected if you are skinny,all black people are thugs,indians are taxi drivers,anime is for kids,indians dont like panadol,indians like white people,