wet and sad,egg,wutgointrhoughhished,where is he going,parents?,both images are boys,is the boy alone?,big chungas,whobuiltthefence,if the story is real,whydotheyfaceaway,whythereare2versions,dividing fence,confused,if he is alone?,sad,where its family are,scary sky,depressing colours,notingoodsituations,why there is a fence,on a boat when raini,whyrthe2boysdifferen,old clothes,does he have family?,are they alive,ifdangerisupahead?,dead flowers,how he feels,does he have water,bold font,why they're leaving,is he safe?,makes me a sad boi,does he have food,where they going,whatrthedatesonit,whereishe,circumstances?,boi,family,there's a fence,how did he escape,artstylematchestheme,:(,emotions?,cothes,economic status?,:,clothes,different pictures,why,what got him there,why is it so darlk,wha r they lookin at,its raining,how it ends?,how it ends,lookssaddening:(,is he happy,how is he alive,what is he living on,are there more kids?,parents,whyishethere,leaving,what's his goal?,how old is he,the theme is sad,big chungus,what will he go thru,wherehisjacket,how is he feeling,is he sad,death,whatlanguageisthis?,why is he leaving?,whats behind the bar,what race they are?,the child looks trap,where are they going,barbed wire,water,if he's okay,about their journey,how will he get over,sad boy,they are racist,depressing,does he have a famil,how dangerous is it,it's dark,its dark,the child is alone,if he is alone,the colours are dark,it's stormy,there is a storm.,and sad,it's raining,how old he is?,is he alone?,there is rain,it's gloomy,how long it will be,its a boy,what is that fence,wh,where is he looking,thatthereareonlyboys,ifeelcoldlooking@it,is he alone,what is his name,looks prepared,social identities?,where he at@?,does he know he name,a boat on water,whatrulookingatboy,are they safe,whatsbehindthefence,whyishe/shesad,whrthyr,mountainsindistance,darkndsadtones,family?,rope in the boat,trapped,dangerous?,itlookssad,what is he lookin at,diffferentlanguanges,whatishestandingin,howlonghashebeentrav,no other options,extreme weather,a kid who's alone,interesting,siblings?,he is nervous,clueless,