jobs,money,bigger house,disgust,freedom,divorce,closer to famil,closer to family,to adapt,cause they can,they want to move to a new neighborhood.,to talk to to people okayyy,girls,for a better life to live in,new start,food,daddy,mommy,better environment,to get out of misery,homes cost a lot of money,start a family,they want to see new places.,money problems (like loosing money),the rent,upgrade in money,want a bigger space,your a orfan,jobs, bigger house,big daddy,so they can adapt to a new place.,just to leave,they need a new life,],a new start,to get money.,for money or other things,house burns down,more kids,snakes,to start fresh,fortnite,to see ninja,need a bigger house/need more space,more dogos (and baby dinos),to move away from your parents,for vacation,bullies,they can't afford the morgage,to be close to there job,stan stray kids,kids,better education,i need help,schools,space,family,87ujk,.;',to be close to there family,hihknvjfuhnvmrufk,to get from place to place,to get somewhere they like,maybe dont like area,so they can explore a whole new place,some homes might get water inside,adjust,a new home,jods,to meet new people,to go to places,because they have new jobs,for more privileges,because of the weather,they need a bigger house,to get around places,to get around,for new area,adapting,to get places,they might just need a new house,find a better home,need more money,beter shelter,want to be closer to family,jobs, homes, and family,bigger/better house,to go to work,to get closer to family,adapt,to get closer with family,to live with other family,new job,so they can have a fresh start.,be closer to family,to have better jobs with better pay,need more money for the homes,mammy,danger,they probably need a bigger city,need a better place to see a new life,because probably its danger near them,to get to places.,to get a new job,to live or stater a new life,to get a new house,