prevent cancer,spread christanity,more water and food,world hunger,no more bullying,no littering,help animals live,help animals,starving kids,no wars,help poor,stop theives,world peace,less violence,not have war,homless,help people,no littering!!!!!!!!,keep farm land,more safe areas,stop bullying,people to be happy,everyone in peace,help everyone,spread culture,no fighting,spread kindness,more animals to hunt,rich give to poor,no more bullys,more nature,spread peace,stop hunting animals,domestic violence,read more!!!!!!!!!!!,caring,helpful,no chaos,work together,bring forth love,way less population,cleanliness,more money to live,help elders,more nature animals,no crimes,christianity,joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,help everyone in nee,working together,bullying wars crime,help the homeless,spread hope,to be friends,world food,rescue missions,no border,help people w cancer,buy kids w/o family,not taking land,teach the poor,no vilonts,prevent bullying,stop war,peace and love,no more crime,no rasim,dream of achievments,adopt,donate to hospital,help climax change,help animals endager,no stealing,help animals in need,no taxes,help people in need!,kids have no school,free trips to doctor,donate to cancer,dont ask for toys!!!,makemorediscoveries,no more poching,not be negative,all the bad people,domestic voilence,car crashes,that homeless woulde,spread chirstanity,spread faith,more food and water,imaginative books,homeless,free therapy,less polution,more gardens,be kinds,no fights,no so much liter,no war,help 3rd world place,gambling,spread,come together,more money,help other,foood for everyone,to have no wa?,give to poor,no taking from peopl,no online dateing,make wells,more food and warer,no bulling,siber bullying,everyone be kind,be positive,war,