time,planning time every day,common planning times,support,a warmer classroom,books,positivity,staff sharing the load,air conditioning,being supported and thanked for my work,teacher insensitives for extracurricular,everyone taking on a piece of the work.,support for people to follow through,time planning release time,positivity and professionalism,more emphasis on mindfulness activities,books and resources,ok,p.d. that is relevant to my package,less board initiatives,less paperwork,air continioning,time for resource creation/planning.,time to collaborate,team planning time,good communication,time to plan with subject colleagues,feel supported,time to meet to discuss,resources,filtered water and more planning time,effective communication,full mornjng or afternoon planning time,access to coffee and refrigeration,less extra work put onto us by board,chit chat,filtered water,to hear gratitude,strong direction from administration,team planning time given to us,feel supported, cooperation,planning time everyday,team planning,good communication,right tools & ac,