3 side,3 sides,they have 3 sides,acute,small,big,3 angles,3 sides, isosceles, equilateral, scalene,its a shape,angle,its a triangle,they are 2d and have 3 sides and angles,corner,shape,dull,a triangle vertices abc,they are 2d,ya yeet,shaped,amber alert,well idk,all have 3 angles,edge,2d,3sides 3 angles,can fold,n,3 edges,o,r,p,dollar bill,can be all sizes,can't have less or more then 3,flat edges,caution sign,they have 3 angles,trinagle,obtuse,right,it only has 3 side,right angle,it is a shape,sometime they have same sides,3 points,that it has 3 angles,it's a shape,can fold evenly usually,pointy sidews,only 3 sides,right angles,angular,can be tall or small,obtuse angles,diffrent triangles,long,acute angles,i really have no clue,i know they all have at least 3 sides,