far away .,it is huge and lovely planet,white and yellow with rocky rings,the sky turned black,fine weather with really nice invaier,because no one could servive on this,un explored,massive and dangerous,it has small colorful rings around it,very cold that no one can survive on it,full of flowers,discovered by john attard,it will look lovely,it has big crators,a blue sky with a really lovely weather,it has 3 moons,five days around the planet juju,discovered by james camileri,it will have a sphere shape,no one could visit this planet .,blue,brown and limegreen,if its a rocky planet or a gus one,bright purple with blue rings around,a sphere shape.,big,its maybe blue with purple rings,bright white rings,navy blue planet bigger than jupiter,very cold and rocky and super far .,if the plenit is kaler ful wit roks,it will look different and weird a bit,really big as jupiter,an enormous planet,like the moon,an anourmous planet,elements,aliens,the sky was rainbow scientests knew it,and have six moons,