too much text,no visualizations,slides were crowded and overwhelming,poor formatting, inconsistent font size,small font,too many words,message not clear through presentation,read text word for word,reading off of the slides too much,no visuals,very small tables or graph images,too wordy,no images,boring,clutter, lack of clarity and verbosity,font hard to read,sharing of too much information,color clash of text and slides,text heavy,terrible colours,excessive use of colors,too many words on slides, no pictures,poor formatting,poor visual aids,too much information,bad font,bold, italics & regular used erratically,poor slide design,inconsistent font color,text was too small,words words words,poor layout,wrong font colour based on room lighting,no pictures,inconsistent headings and font use,hard to read,missing sectional slides,a lot of text,yellow font with blue backgrounds,unorganized,overexplained text,too much text kills it for me.,disorganization of information,too little text,color of the background and font colors,lots of words,too many images,words were too small,blurry images,excessive use of bold or italics,lots of words, too much text, small font,background is distracting,reading off the slide,colour contrast hard to read,absence of white space in a slide,no figures,font hand to read,too much text, reading off of the slides,the sequence of slides,overwhelming,too many slides,reading off the slides,hard to understand,the font was too small,too messy,too many words on slides,no organization,no bullet points,clashing colors,content on slide did not match lecture,paragraph form,white background no colour,inconsistent font, font size, font colou,images not related to the topic,too few words-difficult to study from,no clear labelling of figures,colours making it challenging to read,background pictures/colours/voices,3,slides not aligned with the speech,the font too small,poor design,crowded slides, no pictures, small font,inconsistent font,clutter,colours too bright or eccentric,inconsistent text font/size,hard to read. black and white.,bad contrast,too many animations,dark, couldn't see the writing,overwhelming amount of content on slide,poor/inconsistent formatting,bad colour choices,slide animations,too many different topics,black on yellow,hard to read and too wordy,animations,very small labels on graphs and plots,very distracting text, lack of time,too much test,too much information in one slide,figures axis not large enough to read,no images or photos,not interactive,much text, less figures.,condensed,to many words and not enough pictures,excessive text / absence of images,too much text, text too small, distracti,too much text, illegible graph labels,too much on one slide, no focus,small text,no consistency between the slides,poor colour choices,bland structure,too many text,bad contrast between text and background,all white background with text,bad typography,visually inconsistent,different font styles,too much disordered texts,lacking connection between slides,boring slides,too much text on the slides,poor visibility,hard to read due to colour blocking,colour scheme,too much text or,excess texts,boring visuals, too much text,images and text do not mix,a lot of text divided attention,irrelevant images,jarring transitions,dark background,wordy, erratic design, no theme,visually erratic, no theme, too many wor,too small font size,too many texts; small font sizes,font too small,too much words,too much white space,empty,incohesive sentences,visibility, slide numbers, lot of text,,dictate feature generated funny words,ineffective screen recording,words running off the slide,images hard to see (too small or blurry),undefined acronyms,color of the background and font colours,dull,too many pictures,poor colour choices make it hard to read,tech issues (e.g. video not playing),not complementing what prof is saying,distracting from what prof is saying,slide transitions inconsistent,spell check not used,read slide word for word,poor colour contrast,content not related to verbal lecture,too much tex,unorganised thoughts,over crowded slides,words of slide hard to read,'loud' colours used,distracting,images don't support the text,sound for slide changes,settings displayed speaker notes,rule of 6/ rule of 10 violated,timer and animation issues,figures were inconsistent with content,audio-video clips non functional,inconsistent font types, hyperlinks,background color was bad,hash colours,too many figures,inconsistencies,sarcasm,too much to read,low resolution images,pictures unrelated to topic,difficult to read characters,too much text, poor choice colors,visually unappealing,horrible colour scheme,too wordy, complex,not clear.,plain,lack of cute pet photos,bad templates,spelling mistakes,color and background,too many sentences,poor colours,crowded slides and poor layout design,too many things on one slide,text is too small,tiny font,spelling errors,boring background,there was too much text, no images,very distracting,poor contrast,text too small,no numbering,too much text, poor formatting,one word sentences,people reading right off the slide,obviously too much text and bad design,no pictures or animations; too small fon,reading verbatim from slides,coloured backgrounds,overlapping ideas,irrelevant visuals,poor use of graphics,