mediterranean sea,evaporation,rivers,precipitation,salt water has,salt water has s,water cycle,salt water has salt,atlantic ocean,h2o,condensation,indian ocean,type of water that animals swim in,found on oceanic crust,lakes and rivers,salt water has sa,water is dry,pacific ocean,seventy percent of earths is water,saltwater is in the oceans,sand,70106f earth of is water,takes form of the solid it’s in,no salt in freshwater,earth's water is h2o (hydrogen 2oxygen),water moves by gravity,study of water,fresh water:in lakes,pacific and atlantic ocen,persipitation,fresh salt water,pacific,2hydrogen 1 oxygen,the ocean floor sand,atlantic,aacid rain,the moon makes the tides,evaporation,watercycle,fresh/salt water,arctic ocean,h20,freshwater is found in lakes,freshwater and saltwater,water vapor,