BECOMES TINY PARTS OF SEDIMENT and soil,they turn into particals,Erosion happens,erosion happens,they turn smaller and they combuened,The rock break even more.,The rocks broke down by the 4 Agents,erosion came,The rocks get smaller and smaller.,deposition happens,erosion,it goes in the prosess of erosion,it goes in the prosses of erosion,It goes throhg the prosess of erosion,And breaks the rock DOWN.,It turns into settlements/particles,eroson happins,smaller into particals,they expand from what they were already,the rock breaks apart and cracks opened,erotion happendes,the rock gets moved by wind,It breaks(disloves)into tiny parts!!,becomes tiny particles called sediment,the rock gets moved by the wind.,some of it turns into particles and soil,water takes them away to dissolve.,It becomes tiny rocks,sand,and particles,they dissolve into tiny particles,becomes smaller rocks or sand,becomes smaller and smaller,weathered rock get turned into sand!,