she studied chimps,she loves chimps❤️,she studies primates,how they eat,learn what chimps do,she used tools,she sarted 1960,primates use tools,learned how to eat,primatologist,studied chimps,anthropologist,loves 2 study chimps,she studies behavior,how chimpanzees eat,about apes behaviors,how do chimps eat,watches chimps lives,how they use tools,chimpanzeesadwhatthe,she studies monkeys,likes learing monkey,she met this family,chimpanzees, nature,she studies chimps.,23 started researc,met the g family,was wit chimp 55 1y,chimpanzees,chimpanzees in tanza,about ape behaviors,how chimps live,was wit chimp 55y,chimps made tools,she a ape scientist,