1 parent cell divides to form 2 daughter,it is the process of cells getting split,it has four steps,is a process of cell divison,i know that it is a process of dividing,i know mitosis is a process of dividing.,it divides to form 2 daughter cells,from 2 daughter cells,a type of division that has a daughter c,mitosis has 4 stages,that mitosis is part of the cell cycle,its about parent cell making 2 daughter,i know that mitosis has four stages,its prophase,anaphase/metaphase/telaphas,1 parent cell divides to form daughter.,1 parent cells becomes 2 daughter cells.,it has four stages,4 stages,i know that mitosis has four stages.,its about parent cells making 2 daughter,it has 4 stages,it has 4 phases,it forms into two cells.,theres four parts to it,it has prophase,it has metaphase,that daughter cells are identical,cell divides, contains 4 stages.,mitosis is part of the cell cycle,the cell change,4 steps,a type of divsion that has a daughter c,that it is the middle.,it has cytokinesis,(cell division=cell cycle),division or splitting of cytokinesisi,duplication of its insides,cells,prophase,there is four part to it,it's apart of the cell cycle.,its inbetween the cell cycle,it has 4 steps,telophase is where it's almost done,it has anaphase,there's two daughter cells,the four steps before it seperates.,i already know the 4 parts of mitosis.,4steps,has 4 stages,there's a parent cells,is a process of cell division,4 steps, and parent cell divides,there is 4 stages.,what do you know about mitosis,the cells divide after mitosis,mitosis is a procces of cell division,a parent cell and a 2nd daughter cell,1 parent cells make daughter cells,it divides a cell to make 2,mitosis is when the cell divides 2 daugh,that it has 4 stages,it is when the nucleus disapears,mitosis is when the parent cell splits.,parent cell turning into daughter cells,there's four steps of the cell dividing,when cells split into 2 identical cells.,parent cells make two identical daughter,and, it is the 2nd step in cell division,i know that mitosis ispartofcelldivision,prophaseanaphasemetaphasetelophase,mitosis is a big part of the cell cycle,mitosis is the process of cell division.,mitosisisthepartwhereprepareforthesplit,interphase is the first step,whenthecellduplicatesandpreparestosplit.,parent cell divides into 2 daughter cell,it comes before cytokenesis,it comes after interphase,also, there are 4 stages of mitosis.,i think it is like a duaghtercel,my toes id burnin,i know that mitosis is a part of the cc,it has 4 parts,when a parent cells divides,that that is how cells multiply,mitosis has 4 step anaphase,has 4 steps,parent cells make 2 daughter cells,it divides to make 2 daughter cells.,1parentcelldivides to make 2dauhtercells,its 4 parts before it seperates,it has 2 daughter cells,it is the process of cells splitting,it divides to form two daughter cells,i know that its dividing,it divides to form to daughter cell,there's a parent cell,it divides to 2 daughter cells,it has 4 parts it is in the cell cycle,1 parent cell divides to form 2 daughte,when a cell gets big it splits into two,i know it slowly splits into to cells,it has telaphase,is the steps cell's take to divide,the four stages are pmat,it has four stages anaphase/prophase/ect,it has anaphase: that is how cells mult.,it divides parent cell to daughter cells,metaphase, anaphase, and telophase,i know that there is 4 stages to mitosis,mitosis has four stages,when a cell divides into 2 cells,it has for steps,mitosis is when a cell divides into 2 ce,steps*,it has four steeps,it,,it divides to form to daughter cells,