hearing threshold,degree,,tympanicogram,the audiogram,sensorinetural, conductive hearing loss,the speech perfomance,how well can you hear speech,hearing loss,speech banana,pitch (hertz), intensity (decibels),symbols o's - right ear, x's - left ear,masked, unmasked bone conduction results,air conduction test results,degree of hearing loss mild to profound,tympanogram (test the tympanic membrane),personal information (name and dob),mixed hearing loss,tested with aids or without,pitch,high frequency,masked or unmasked,bone or air conduction test,the date of activation,what kind of hearing loss do we have,intestity,frequency,hertz,decibels,profound hl,mild hl,moderate hl,hearing thres,moderatley severe hl,severe hl,speech bannana,comments (type, degree, configuration),