my work relies on other people,collaborating with classroom teachers,balancing admin tasks and teaching.,testing vs instruction,time for collaboration,filing. so much filing.,not having enough time to do dc duties,having to cover other classes sometimes,paperwork,being pulled away for non-esol duties,work on bulletin boards,being pulled from instruction,covering my team's mistakes with grace,unable to support all els,balancing tasks and teaching,time for teaching and admin work,having enough time to file due to time,resistance to tatus quo,time when everyone is available,conflicts with testing admin & teaching,multi preparations / no continuity,being used as a sub,training on plc mindset,dealing with different personalities,time bet. teaching and dc duties,catching up with lessons,personalities,personality issues,my caseload isn't any smaller.,being itinerant w/duties at 2 schools,collaborating with regular teachers,random taskings from admin,making it to collaborative planning,resistance change insisting status quo,teaching 4 newcomer ss classes,being on so many school based teams,i sometimes have to sacrifice.,i get pulled to do testing,being pulled in 100 different directions,i may get pulled to sub in another class,delegate,i make choices about what gets done,making sub plans for teacher vacancy,chair=ilt member = loose teaching time,doing the stuff no one else wants/can do,managing time with all roles,scheduling, go to person,i sometimes have to sacrifice,itinerant - paperwork at both schools,monthly esol team meeting,it's hard to pull-out the kids,balancing informals and emergencies,assist students in completing class work,time,collaborating with fellow esol teachers,meetings,finding time to teach and grades,repeating things,time to focus on instruction (paperwork),so many other responsibilities!,remembering everything to do,gen ed teachers are not releasing the el,chair-ilt-teacher-balancing duties,get feedback on implementing strategies,collaborative planning,colleagues don't follow up,balancing teaching and other duties,