needs,don't buy something for the sake of it .,lt - travel, school, housing,buy shares,as soon as i left the house to study,don't buy things you can't afford,...will this benefit you in the long run,always pay your credit card back to 0,don't spend money on unnecessary things,every month,start saving money as soon as possible,... when i was younger,saver!,travel - money from job/allowance,savings and investments set aside ...,for a fallback plan,plan ahead of what to spend,think before you spend,save money for future emergencies,i wish i at learned learned to budget...,spend money on items u get satisfaction,before you buy something, think...,start saving young,start saving early,dont spend more than you have,lt- travel, insurance st-clothes,food,around how much you had growing up 2/2,saving accounts,gat a job when you are young,don't spend the money you don't have,plan ahead,pay off your depts,think about b&c for big items!,save for a house deposit,you shouldn’t base your expectations 1/2,learn to spend wisely and safely,budgeting helps a great amount,housing, schooling, bills, travel,trip to europe,long term saver,travel, travel, travel,if we budget now we get into good habits,earned myown money so iknew howtospendit,need: food, shelter, clothes, etc,no charities,only buy the things you need,yes, coffee everdyday,my brother is a spender,paying more than budgeted for,i first got a job at 15,small spending, big saving,money priorities are food, health, house,don't spend what you don't have!,my dad is neither a spender or a saver,invest on things that are profitable,always learn to save and do it wisely.,favourite thing to spend money on travel,yes travel after school, food, clothes,earn enough for an early retirement.,a mum is a saver,my mum is a planner and invester,over budgeting (budget more than spent),to use it to get quality of life,food,spends on groceries, house expenses, ...,generate continues income through invest,spend 1/3 save 1/3 bills 1/3,kids activities, schooling,spends on food, phone bill and clothes,be wise and use a budget,spends on groceries, bills, health...,short term goals, groceries, bills,you are never to young to save,food clothes and shelter,my mum invests in holidays,renovations,years in the future budgeted for 1,support the whole family,keep your debt according to your salary,spends most of money on others,st - food, clothes, gym membership,things we need like food, housing etc,time spent budgeting 1 hour/month,allow for everyday activities,my mum looks at pros, cons and reviews,, school,plus the ocainaly unexpected event,sometimes depending on what i buy,know what you're spending money on,purchase in sale sections,always had a financial plan,invest wisely,long term goals, kids uni and education,