1/3 survived,nazi treat jew nice,all but 6 were jews,jews rejected by usa,jews were not wanted,immigration failed,3-4 year wait,rejected by usa,sss,the # of people dead,great depression,amount of people,wanted us but denied,depression,us let them done,no one wants them,jews treated bad:(,cuba, stepping stone,voyage of despair,937 passengers,lots of kids dead,families were apart,jews were unwanted,$500 per passenger,turned away,being rejected,nazi treat jews nice,lied to the jews,ship was real,500 per passenger,hoping better life,he survived camp,visas were worthless,937 passangers,want ted better life,937 jews,$500 get off st.loue,937 jews unwanted,failed diplomacy,the ship was real,jews were disliked,1/3 made it,hopefull,hiding from nazis,they were divided,tried other country,voyage of doom,#rooseveltignoredppl,went back to germany,3-4 year wait for us,the depression,108 went to holland,us in depression,can't see families,usa and cuba failed.,sent back to europe,wenttocalihopetolive,head to fl with hope,america was magic,hopeful,captain is good guy,lots of people dead,st. louis,wat,108 went to hollend,only 1/3 survived,6 people notjewish,very little survived,nobody wanted jews,why nazis so mean,1/3 survived´,boat was real,931/937 were jews,excluded by everyone,nazi's hated jews,visas were useless,927 passengersdenied,6 people were jews,jewish unwanted,financial difficult,gave up immigration,jews weren't wanted,6 were not jewish,6 of them were jews,many jews had died,landing visas useles,feels bad,captain shroder,no hope for freedom,cheated freedom,families were split,how important it was,rejected by the usa,not many survived,hope in us was false,only 6 weren't jews,nobody wanted them:(,unwanted even by u.s,the u.s reject boat,how they were split,size of the ship,jews were not welcom,call in background,had to turn around,one survived three,only 6 were not jews,the visas were idle,fdsgdhfjdhtsrgeareyt,hatred of nazis,no hope,german leader hitler,cheated of freedom,not welcome,rejected,they reached a point,wait there turn,us turned away,survived,they were rejected,forced to go back,immogrants,6 weren't jewish,human history drama,were cheated freedom,6 where not jewish,6 people werent jews,unwanted,not lot of ppl lived,sad no 1 will go ger,