the ability to use technology,großoktav,able to use technology with confidence,using electronic platforms,any form of digital communication,comprehension and doing of digital tech,enhance learning by using digital device,to understand how technology can be used,understand how all it forums communicate,understanding of digital/technology,the ability to navigate & implement ict,ability to gain knowledge through media,abbreviations of it,compentencies using technology,kleinoktav,lexikonformat; lexikonoktav,adjektiv - reich an taubem gestein,use a computer & its programmes well,any form of digital learning.,digital media in any form,typing an assignment on word document,learning the lingo of the digital world,words online,communicating through media,understanding/using technology correctly,technology based learning,all literacy skills using technology,communication through tech,technological proficiency,using english skills online,understanding of and ability to use tech,confidence and ability with technology,capabilities to learn with computers,being confident to use technology,skills in digital technology.,adjektiv - klasse,