marilyn,anchor.kite,i don’t know any because i’m 2cool4skool,eighteen years ago almost to the day,solitary as an oyster,it is my father who stumbles behind me,anchor. kite,fortnight is epic,the slow beat of his good heart,slow pulse of a good heart,michael rosen,why not i know thee,bobbi dumb bum,globed shoulders,gay,your ma,an expert,like a winged-seed,my grandad is dead,then leaving up the stairs, the line,unreeling years between us. anchor. kite,anchor. kite.,loose skin on his neck,hob nailed wake,like a winged seed,none lmao,acres of the walls, prairie of the floor,half broken hearted to shatter for years,why not i with thine?,ok,you’re moms a hoe,