The stock market crashed.,People went bankrupt and lost everything,People lost jobs and lost money.,A time in America with little money.,I know that it started after the 1920s.,People lost their homes.,I know it was when the economy crashed.,nothing,People lost their jobs in the depression,Nothing at all,I know that it was a time of devestation,America was depressed, we were out of $.,*Started to not pay their morgage back,People didn't pay their bank loans back,early nineteen hundreds,about when the market crashed in the,It started in 1929,The stock market began in1929,People also lost jobs due to the stock.,And the stock markets crashed.,Money was almost useless.,Money was not being made fast enough.,It began it 1929,It was when the stock market crashed.,It was a hard time for people.,people lost every thing they owned.,It was a time when people lost ther jobs,America was the opposite of booming.,I know that the great depression is,A little,I know some stuff not a lot?,It was when the stck market crashed.,People lost their jobs.,I know the stock markets were closed.,I know that the government tried to stop,It was a hard time for people,People went bankrupt.,I know that money was worth nothing.,I know that it happened when people*,I know a little about it.,it but they made it last longer.,People started starving.,Money wasn't worth that much.,I Know,