things have become more important to us.,unimportant,we think about others,wants over family,wrong, we should be home with family,materials have replaced family,hateful,ugly,people don't respect thanksgiving,greed just 6 more sins to go humans,ungrateful for loving family,people want things more than family,our values of importance have changed,we care about wants more than needs,ungrateful about family holidays,family first but some say otherwise,we over look the most important things,try to be thankful,thank you for being a bad role models,they left the elders to go shopping.,think about what we want,we often think of ourselves over others,we care about shopping more now.,we are very selfish beings.,disappointing,what we care about,loneliness,not being there fo each other,thankful i think not!,family has been put 2nd instead of first,that people like black friday a lot.,we are materialistic,thanksgiving has been forgotten,sad for what this has turned into,different and unusual,people wated sales instead of eating.,needy and ungrateful,shopping more important than grandparent,people love shopping grandparents lonely,not the same,