i am grateful for the smell off coffee.,i am grateful for the smell of rain.,i am grateful for the smell is chips,mr. grundy,me,i am grateful for the smell of cinnamon.,i am grateful for the smell of skunkfart,this is what smell i am greatful is rain,i am grateful for the smell of cinnanom.,this is what smell i am greatful rain,this is what iike smell,lavender,bananas,rosemary,tomatoes,cinnamon,roses,i like the smil of rain and staberwy.,this is what smell,i'm grateful for the smell of ginger.,rain,coffee,this is what,what smell is grateful for me is waffle.,i am grateful for the smell cookie.,grateful for the smell of pumpkin pie,i am grateful for the smell of lavender.,i'm grateful for the smell of rain.,im grateful for the smell of dark coffee,i am grateful for the smells cheese rain,i am grateful for the smell of rain,i am grateful for the smell of cookies.,i'm grateful for rain!,a. j.,