i think that flip grid is funny and fun.,i think that flip grid is funny and fun,t was the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,i think that flipgrid is a cool website,it is cool,it makes my voice sound like a robot,yeah!!!!!!!!!!,school questions,i think flip grid is so awesome and cool,flip grid's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,i think flip grid because its lit to do.,i think that flip grid is funny and fun!,i absolutely love flip grid!it's awesome,it was fun!,i think it is awesome,i think that flip gird is cool.,i think that flip grid sucks,it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,its awesome,its fun and good makes u happy,canwe use it more in class cause its fun,flip grid is really fun and cool.,flip grid is fun and cool.,i like it because we take pictures!!!!!!,its garbage and it never works.,good,wait what,this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,it is cool. what are we talking about?,boring,it was ok,boring by zion,i think that flip grid is an awesome,what are we talking about again?,it cool,what was the question again?,i did not like it,what was the question again,it was amazing,it was fun,lts good lets do it again,its funny,its lit,i sorta like it but knot a lot,the butter battle,who is asking,its fun,flip grid is as cool as fortnite,who asked this?,it was cool just no recording,i think is cool,i think its funny and cool,it is pretty neat,it is funny also,wow,i think its cool because i canmarkmyface,i think flipgrid is cool & interesting.,dis was lit from beavcoon,flipgrid is fun and awesome!,i think flip grid is really funny,it was tough,i think it is asome,i think it was very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,i think it was awesome.,hilarious and fun.,it was egg-cellent,i like it cause you can take pictures,flipgrd is a fun thing to do in class,by dean,it was funny and cool,i thank that this web sit is cool.,its different and cool but not recording,school work,cool,i thought flipgrid was fun and amazing.,i think that flip grid is a cool activit,i liked it because it was just you,i think that flip grid is a very fun.,i think that flipgrid is fun.,i think that flip grid is cool.,flipgrid was really fun!!,i love it i want do do it with friends!!,i love being on camrea ,so i loved it.,i loved flipgrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,i think it was cool and unique.,awsomenesssss,its fun and a way to express yourself,i think that flip grid is awesome.,i think that flip grid is fun.,flip grid is an awesome website.,flipgrid isnĀ“t my idea of a good website,i liked flip grid is fun and hilarius:).,i like it because you can take pictures.,