kings and queens,greek mythology,mostly myths,is it real or fake?,tabsame34tabsame34,told again and again,greek mythology!,magic,the are adventures,heros,saves the day,old,stories change more,older times,history of myths,takes place in older,very important story,kings, queens: evil,famous for something,poor or rich,god and goddesses,real or fake,faces their fear,told,a legendary person,fighting characters,fights,fearless people,they are repeated,guides,all people not real,poor and rich,is it real or fake,supernatural theme,scary moments,fantasy,myths are like legen,adventure,evil characters,legends,¨legends never die,a remembered hero,??!!,heros and villians,problems,mostly a myth,mythology,they cal be myths,related to mythology,can be real or fake,greek myths, storys,some are fake,some are real storys,a special hero,never forgotten,story books,some can be myths,fictional story,legends are stories,they are adventures,some can be myths!,it is real or fake,different mythology,fictional stories,myths,older time,more fantasy,passed down stories,creative,what is a legend??,bad history,they are told again,people who are famos,good history,stories change,special heros,icon,true or false,dialoge,always a problem,legend,