bossy,friendly,nice,lazy,happy,short,shy,careless,sad,sloppy,selfish,quiet,rich,mean,edward is kind he is generous,lazzy,brave,open,only had one feeling,grumpy,independent,he is happy,brave,fragell,,scared,petty lazzy,ed,memilble,sleepy,i think edward is a fragaile lazy bunny,happi,bossy and self sentered lazy curios,he not bossy,he is mischievous,he has know feeling .,he has know feeling,bassy,seriuis,he is bossy,ungreatful,edward was made out of china,calm,fragell,petty,he has know feel ing,boassy,i think edward is self scenterd and boss,selfesh,bossy,wise,a leader,proud,calm,fragle,chill and delicate,adbenturous,i think edward tulane is bossy,messy,toll,self sentered,