came from a tumor,they didnt tell her,hela cells don't die,immortal cells,immortal,was cancerous,being used to study,helped hpv be found,it's purple,they are purple,goes anywhere,take over more cells,they divide,they don't die,factory produced,normal cells die,first to be cloned,can divide,\,chillen,found other diseases,hela never dies,hpv = cancer,helps find cures,i dont know,its different,regenerative,used to find cures,help find cures,hpv,hela- go anywhere,1.,replicates diseases,immune cells,can regenerate,80 mutated,never ending,hela can replicate,divides repeatedly,there purple,goligi,its purple,oldest cell line,sent around world,all over the world,found cures,is unethical,in labs around world,