someone with an interest in the business,anyone who has interest in the business,a person with interest or relevance,anybody who has an interest with busines,individuals who is effected by change,any entity who has interest in a busines,people who own shares,a stakeholder is an individual with stoc,people directly or indirectly involved i,someone who is affected by firm's succes,someone who is effected by a business,person/organisation influenced by action,any group or person interest in success,all people interested in the business,anyone who has an interest in a business,people who have impact on the organisati,costumers,registered interest in outcome of busine,anyone,anybody who has an impact on the busines,a person with an interest or relevance,people who owns stakes,has a direct interest interest in the bu,anyone who is interested in the business,the profits of them would be influence r,anyone affected by a decision made,clients, people affected by the business,interest in a business,some with an interest in a business,someone who benefits from the business,everyone affecting/affected,someone that understands the business,a group who is influenced by a firm,people that has an interest,anyone with an interest in the business,person with interest of is affected,anyone with a stake or interest,anyone who is involved with a business,customers, suppliers,shareholders, owner,someone who has interest in the business,owners of a company.,some that is involved with a business,anyone who an interest in a business.,suppliers,interest in the business,all people who are involved or intereste,someone with vested interest in business,anybody with an interest in the business,anyone who is impacted by the business,stake in the business,a person who is affected by the org. cli,individuals/group that affect organisati,interest,community of shared interest,people who’ve invested in a business,anyone affected by the firm's existence,influences the business,those affected by the business decisions,a person with an interest in a business,influences business activities,individual affected by business activiti,affected by business decisions,contributes to the business,someone with an interest in a business,vested interest in the business,