phones at school,gum in school,homework,school uniforms,be able to chosse tda for write,have dr.pepper in school,more tda,phones in school,no school uniforms,realse school early,hard leveled video games,no homework,pets,any thing at all,we shold have to use imag to write,students get money for good grades,an argument,teachers get paid more,6th grade in housed in middle schools,thiings,more friend, techers sould be payed more,people turning around in my driveway,ride a scooter or bike to school,video games,less textbooks,more freedoms at school,coco coca,more field trips,be able to have coke-cola,when my pets lick me,good friends,6th grade in middle school,every one be equal,more feald trips,more recss,more field trips :),have more fun time,violence,less text books,no phones in school,really loud chuwing,non-violence,doing chores,not being able to pick your outfits,chewing with your mouth open,school unifroms,getting better grade,cell phones in school or not,gum at school,school uniforms students should get paid,people being loud,when you get a lego set and miss onepart,students get money for good grade,homwork,pineapple on pizza,more frenes, techers sould be payed more,picking on each other,