course is flexible,uploads too sparatic,lab-unclear wordings,hard to read quizzes,content manageable,great notes,exams are very fair,no response in email,a,prof enthusiastic!,too random uploads,i'm enjoying this cl,unorganized lessons,70,deadlines random,great videos,flexablity,labs are confusing,schedule unorganized,videos are engaging,hw instruction vague,more examples,compassion,schedule unclear,character limit smal,not enough practice,videos too quiet,homework is useful,deadlines uncertain,non intuitive,confusing content,flexible timeline,videos are amazing,prof very personable,el like i have to fi,are times where i fe,ain examples. there,into explaining cert,more detail goes,certain times i wish,learner. there are,e, as i am a visual,are a big help for m,g skills. the videos,y analytical thinkin,gure out how to solv,e a problem myself,deadlines too random,material interesting,videos engaging,prof very responsive,o the real world.,ed in this class int,education i've learn,i look to apply my,g and informative,s has been satisfyin,. overall, this clas,ass. it's enhanced m,