determines leader,helps john cena,free bobby shmurda,voice can be heard,keep govt. democacy,every vote counts,helps goverment,obama,all votes count,eat banana,counts,keep goverment worki,affects everybody,right leader,free,free tay k,yes,determines impact,helps,tupac trash,higher turnout,mrs j mad thicc,blickygotthestiffyuh,idroppedmycroissant,┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈,to get more votes,best for country,rights,bama,to know who you want,your vote counts,makes the us better,make america great,for the future,voting impacts you.,makes a diff in gov.,help gov. running,voting is your voice,difference in gov.,voices,,citi. responsibilty,helps o2pac,help with decisions,how gov. should work,it impactseverything,impacts everything,issues need input,