i can go on my phone,go to sleep,play my game,breath in and out,play with silme,i play gacha studio,draw, listen to song,play on my phone,go to my room!!!!,draw pretty pictures,get a snack,texting friends,go take a nap,take a deep breathe.,tumble,i will read a book .,tumble,sleep,draw,get a clod drink,wyatt eat pizza,hit punching bag,chillax,sing,cook,sqeeze somthing,ride on my hoverboar,play with toy anddab,play with slime,and eat,read,get a cold drink,make cookies,i go in my room,talk to a nice pep,take a walk,yay,play roblox,i play eposide,sleep,no,go to my friends,having fun with sis,butt,go to sleep dadhouse,chillax(relax) tv,play soccer outside.,talk to someone!,sleep,talk,tumble,take deep breaths,,play on phone,music,sleep,relax,i can sleep,play on my phone.,take a deep breath,do something with my,watch tv,just be crazy,tuble,write,get on my phone,irughrefhkjsgbhgfdhk,take deep breaths,take a nap,go to sleep and cook,i will go on my phon,swim,take a break.,