kapo was an inmate who guarded prisoners,kapo was an inmate who gaurded prisoners,a prisoner of higher authority,prisoners who collaborated with the nazi,was a prisoner in a nazi concentration,kapos were prisoners who had privilege.,kapo was a prisoner who helped the nazi,a kapo was prisoner who guarded inmates,prisoners that helped the nazis,prisoners that worked with nazis,prisoners who collaborated with nazis,kapos are bosses that guarded prisoners.,kapo, prisoners who worked for survival,an inmate who collaborated in nazi camps,a prisoner assigned to be an ss officer.,a kapo or prisoner functionary,was a prisoner in a nazi study camp.,kapo were chosen guards who beat inmates,a kapo was a guard for the s.s .,kapos were inmate who watched prsioners,inmates who are chosen from ss,kapo is a high ranked prisoner,camp who was assigned by the ss guards,kapos were inmates who guarded prisoners,kaposwereinmateswhocanbetrustedby the ss,a prisoner that is working for hitler.,kapos were prisoners work for ss/nazi,prisoners who worked with the ss.,prisoners that collaborated with nazis.,also called prisoner self-administratio,a prisoners who collaborated with the na,inmates who were higher privileged,to supervise forced labor or carry out a,a inmate who worked with ss,yeet,a kapo was a higher ranking inmate,a kapo was a prisoner in a nazi camp.,a inmate who has high authority,prisoner who guarded other inmates,a jew that guarded jews,a prisoner that worked with the nazi,a kapo is a guard assigned from the ss.,a kapo is someoen who helps the nazi.,brutal,a mean person,a person who is a guard of prisoners,inmates that worked with the ss & cruel,prisoners who had higher authority,a prisoner that guard other prisoners,yeet yeet,kapo means boss, were 1st used at dachau,a kapo is a gaurd who is a jew,kapo are inmates who gaurd prisoners,a kapo is a prisoner of high authority.,a kapo is a prisoner of higher power.,kapos forced other prisoners to do labor,kapo is a prisoner with higher authority,a kapo is a prisoner working for the ss.,a jewish prisoner working for the ss.,a prisoner with higher authority,they observed the jews, did dirty work.,a kapo is a person who supervised labor,kapos collaborated with the ss,kapos were inmates who can be trusted,kapo is a cruel leader that goes extreme,kapo are a people who go extreme cruelty,a kapo was a privileged prisoner.,kapo is a person who works for ss guards,kapos are inmates collabed with natzis.,a prisoner who guards other prisoners.,kapo was a prisoner who helped the nazis,an inmate who helped run the camps.,jews who worked with nazis to survive,a boss or cheif in command,kapo: a boss who forced people to work.,kapo is a person who forced labor,why were there kapos,a kapo was an inmate who had privileges,kapo were cruel and guarded the inmates.,inmate who got privileges for guarding,kapo got treated well by working for ss,a kapo or prisoner functionary was a pri,prisoner who help guard other prisoners,kapos had got more privileges,a kapo was a inmate who guarded inmates,a kapo is a prisoner with power,a kapo was a cruel overseer of the jew's,a kapo was a high up prisoner,prisoners who helped the nazis,a kapo is a boss that guarded prisoners.,kapos were prisoners who worked for ss.,cruel privileged inmate of higher order.,a privileged, law enforcing, inmate,a inmate who was rewarded to hurt peers,are cheifs that guard prisoners,prisoners chosen to work with the ss,a inmate who got special treatment,a prisoner in camps who was also a guard,higher level criminal that forces labor.,a prisoner with more authority, with ss,a kapo is a inmate with power.,a prisoner that got picked by an ss.,inmates who collaborated with the nazis,kapo was an inmate trying to impress ss,a kapo kept watch over other inmates.,a kapo is a prisoner who assist the ss.,kapo was an inmate guarded prisoners,an inmate who guarded the prisoners,a kapo was a prisoner with more power.,a prisoner who worked with the nazis.,a prisoner that served a leadership role,kapo was an inmate who worked for the ss,kapo is prisoners that had higher power,a privileged inmate who was often cruel,