we are always learning and growing.,you won’t always get what you want,crying doesn’t get you anywhere in life.,crying is not going to get you anywhere.,always look at the bright side,you don’t always get what you want,don’t let one thing ruin your whole day.,we learn/grow never losing who we are,dont lose hope and be respectful,don't overreact to little things.,pouting isn’t going to get you anywhere,personality’s change when things happen,you don’t change in a second,act like a adult to get adult answers,good luck,immaturity wont get u far in life!,nothing good comes out of bad behavior,crying doesn’t get you anywhere.,whining just makes things worse,teacher power you have power of yourself,crying doesn't get you adult responses,se never lose who we once were.,we are always learning and growing,something small can be our biggest block,running away won’t solve anything,i think it is to be more mature.,dramatic, disguised, overreactive,,we are every age and we keep learning.,don’t let now body bring you down,