not enough supplies,they faced starvatio,diseases,no food,starvation,age,lost 2/3 of the sett,barely any weapons,they were attacked,sickness,no weapons,ran out of supplies,animals,wheather ,battles,no food and water,snakes,they had no shelter,mostly by starvation,not enough supplies.,the cold winter,they got sick,no water salt water,natural disasters,storms,chicken,they were unprepared,dieses,no medicine.,starvation and cold,they died,no fish in winter,better economy,dirty water,lost settlement,they were not clean,hot summers,cold winters,there water was bad,didnt havw skilled f,brid,cold witers,seasons,not fit for survival,bad weather,heat stroke,droughts,lots of diseeases,the water is dirty,they faced sickness,ice cream,unprepared,lack of food,wars,to much people vut n,running out of suppl,starvation and disea,faced deaises,they ran out of food,killeed,they where poor,ran out of suppliies,weapons,natural causes,talk of gold,they had no supplies,cancer,predict the likely r,tobacco gets smoked,tabaco,maybe they got sick,people eating others,medical issues,not enough food ;,drout,diseases spread,by them starving,