no, because we need to see more theories,yes because we know the causes of death,no because there are not enough reasons,they also died from disease.,no i don't think we have enough reasons,yes, it tells you about water and food,yesbecause it explains what caused death,no because there not enough reasons,yes it says they didn't have enough food,yes, thats because theres enough details,they died from starvation in the winter,bge only gives an insightdoc a tells how,yes,the colonist poluted the water,yes because they give you the reasons,no because there are not enough reasons.,yes because we know why and how they die,starvation and dehydration,they died from diseases and starvation,and this made people sick,jamestown colonist,starvation, dehydration (dirty water),there is,they died from starvation.,no because there's not enough reasons,yes it shows high tides was unsanitary,yes, they died from starvation,running out of food,,no since the bge doesn't show doc a does,yes because we found out what caused dea,yes their bracky waters affected food,yes, doc a gives you several reasons.,\\\,