improves a students ability to think,it help me have more focus,it helps me make friends,improves my learning abilities.,helps our brain work better than it does,it assesses most of your brain,it helps kids with school academically,it enables me to think mitch more depth,it makes me focused,it helps me solve all my dumb problems,band helps me be more creative,it lets me make new friends and be with,some people mite play music in church,band helps me expand my knowledge,by learning new things,it connects and helps focuses your mind.,it helps me calm down after something,(see paper),band helps it by working our brains,it makes me more focused,it helps me focus,it helps me have more focus,it makes you happier and smarter,it makes me happy and be positive.,improves the learners ability to think,it helps people with school acedemics,band enhances the storage of memories.,it helps me understand my other subjects,it helps me relax,imporves a students abiltly to think,allows students to be more creative,it helps us learn,allows me to be engaged,band makes you smarter,it helps me experience something new.,it helps me not hate myself lol and yeah,you get to learn new stuff,music helps you understand the world bet,music helps students work faster.,